Crown and Base Tips
Trim on your Shelf Help project is not required, but can help you achieve a certain look. You can add trim anywhere - it's usually just decorative - but normally it's base trim or crown moulding.
Base Trim Tips
- Baseboard trim is sold all over, and comes in standard heights
- You can also use 1x boards for a more modern base
- You can cut into the base to for aesthetics or air movement
- You'll want to adjust your bottom shelf height so the bottom of the shelf is placed at the overall height of your baseboard trim. For example, 5-1/4" base would mean my bottom shelf has a 5-1/4" gap underneath it. You will need to reinforce the bottom shelf with a 1x bay support - this also gives you a nailer for attaching your baseboard.
- If you are adding doors or drawers, you may wish to first bring the base out with a 1x board, so the doors aren't past the base once installed.
- A mitersaw or miterbox or circular saw set to 45 degree bevel is needed to cut the corners. Mark the short points and cut at the 45 degree bevels. Repeat for the side pieces.
- I use brad nails and wood glue for attaching base moulding.
- These are just tips - base moulding is not usually structural, and there are many other methods and means of adding a base to your project.
Crown Moulding Tips
- Crown moulding can be a little trickier to install because it doesn't usually lay flat against the project, instead it is installed at an angle.
- You may need to build up the top of your project or cabinet to give you space to nail the crown moulding too. I like to use 1x2s, if you can't nail or screw from the top, you can also attach from underneath.
- If adding doors or drawers, you may wish to hold the crown nailer out 3/4" so when finished, your doors are not past the crown moulding.
- A double bevel is needed to cut the crown moulding at the corners, easiest done with a compound miter saw.
- Glue (I use hot glue) is essential to keeping the crown moulding corners together.
- Tall crown moulding may need additional support to keep the corners from spreading over time.
- If you want your base to be extra tall, you may need to add a flat crown behind your crown moulding (see image below from Barker Door)